Engine Management Unit


The unit connects via CANbus to the engine and vehicle telemetry data to give you relevant information about the vehicle activities such as speed, fuel, temp etc as well monitor driver behaviour.


  • The Engine Management Unit can interface with, the following standards.

    J1939 Standard
    J1708 Standard
    FMS Standard (a sub-set of J1939)

  • The EMU will monitor engine data second-by-second

    Fuel use (fuel use per trip and average fuel economy)
    Speed (deceleration, over speed, max speed, time in speed bands, average speed of trip)
    Oil pressure
    Water temperature
    Brake use (harsh braking, number of brake applications, braking distance)
    PTO use
    RPM (excessive RPM, max RPM, time in RPM bands)
    Engine hours (idle time, warm-up time)

  • At the end of a trip (key off), the EMU will collate the trip information, batch it and pass it to the Qube to transmit

    Total trip distance, fuel used, trip time, RPM, etc
    Message size is very small (less than 1Kb).

  • In the event of an “incident” the EMU will create an Incident Report

    A second-by-second record of engine telemetry information for the previous two minutes
    Similar function to a black-box recorder for accident investigation